Known for my holistic approach to family law, and referred to as "the divorce mystic," I have been an intuitive divorce attorney, mediator and coach for over 25 years. When I dared to integrate my intuitive gifts into my legal practice, magic happened for my clients.
I now focus on assisting women to navigate their divorce from the perspective of their soul's journey. My legal experience and insights are especially valuable to my clients; however, it is my intuitive, spiritual / holistic aspects of my work that bring in the magic.
Ten years into my legal career, I grew more despondent with each litigated divorce. I found it hard to buy into a system where couples and families were subjected to an adversarial judicial process in order to achieve resolution of their most intimate, private issues. It was particularly touching for families with children where co-parenting would become a necessity following divorce.
The dissolution of a marriage does not dissolve the family -- the family is simply transformed. It is my belief that, other than in extreme cases, most couples would choose an alternative if divorce litigation wasn't accepted as the norm.
Placing individuals in a win-lose scenario -- stripping them of their privacy and compounding feelings of desperation and fear -- is counterintuitive and against our innate expression of love. Faced with a decision to either leave the law or make a shift, I opened my own office and limited my practice to non-adversarial, holistic approaches to divorce resolution.
It became my mission to shift the perception of divorce from a fear-based process -- into a sacred love story of the Soul -- and to evolve the way individuals perceive divorce and how families are treated in the process.
By integrating my intuitive gifts and other training (Energy Healing Modalities; Mediumship; Tarot and other Divination Tools; Meditation Techniques; Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique [QHHT]; Transpersonal Hypnotherapy; Mediation; Collaborative Law; Life and Spiritual / Soul Coaching Certifications), I became known for my signature holistic approach to family law.
It is essential to recognize divorce as a symbolic knock on the door of our inner being . . . prompting us to pay a visit . . . a visit ripe with opportunity. If we are willing to explore beyond the illusion and focus our attention on the true agenda of the soul, the transition of divorce becomes a profound and enlightening experience . . . a portal . . . a catalyst for our soul's evolution.
When divorce is viewed as a beginning rather than an ending, the journey becomes one of grace and anticipation, imbued with self-confidence and hope. All transitions come with uncertainty, but an enlightened, awakened and holistic divorce, sets the stage for deep healing, an expanded consciousness, and serves to propel us into the future we are meant to live.
I am here to serve as a trusted guide and would be honored to walk with you on the journey.
Following the publication of my book, "Divorce, Holistically Yours: Learn Essential Knowledge of the Legal System and How Divorce Can Be a Catalyst for Your Soul's Evolution," I was encouraged to create a program for women that more fully supports their sacred divorce journey.
The Awakened Divorce - The Way of the Divine Feminine ™
Together, we will walk through seven transformative doorways. If you desire to move through your divorce informed and enlightened -- if you want a guide beside you who fully understands and can meet you where you are (legally, practically, and spiritually) -- if you want a guide who knows the journey ahead and truly cares about your well-being -- and, if you are willing to take my hand and commit to the wisdom of your Soul to carry you through this sacred journey,
I would be delighted to work with you!
"I met Pamela when I was at my lowest and could not see anything ahead of me but pain and darkness. After one conversation, I knew I was in the right hands. Pamela had a knowing of exactly where I was, what I needed, and where I was going. She helped me to quickly shift into an empowered part of me that allowed me to be an active, informed player in my divorce, while at the same time, helping me to uncover my truth, deeply heal wounds I didn't know were there, and to explore my family from a different perspective. Her legal and spiritual insights helped me to bring my case to a comfortable conclusion and has forever altered the way my husband and I will co-parent our son. Pamela touched my soul in a way that I will never be the same. She was right when she said, "a family remains a family even after divorce, it just looks different." A transformative journey only touches the surface, truly. My Soul definitely knew what it was doing!"
~ Violet
"Thank you, Pamela. I just wanted you to know that our time together was truly remarkable. I am more confident and excited about my future now than I was as a much younger woman. I will always be grateful for your ability to see into my soul and for how you ushered me through this transition with my dignity in tact.
~ Gina
"I want to thank you for not only your sound counsel but also the compassion and more positive perspective you provided to me during my divorce after 26 years of marriage. At the beginning tensions were high and somewhat combative. You provided guidance and recommendations that not only made the process more bearable, but left us with the ability to share birthdays and holidays with our daughter. I am not sure that would have happened with the more traditional and adversarial divorce."
~ Michele
"My experience with Pamela was nothing short of life-changing. Going through divorce upended me and created complete chaos and fear in my life. With Pamela‘s guidance and assistance, I was able to pull myself together, understand the process legally, and most importantly, spiritually. With her guidance, I learned to fine tune my energy and my spirit so that I may have better communication with my husband . . . which after our divorce led to reconciliation! It was a beautiful process and I recommend Pamela for anyone who is going through such a horrible and trying time in their life. Her abilities to guide one spiritually along with her incredible knowledge of the legal divorce process is nothing short of extraordinary."
"Every divorce should be handled in this manner. So much trauma could be avoided. Thank you, Pamela, for providing a safe space to process, heal and allow my soul to take the wheel. What a wonderfully
enlightening experience."
~ Mary Ann
"You are the light I used to find my way out of such a dark place. With your guidance I was able to achieve a fair settlement, a powerful co-parenting relationship with my former spouse, and a life that I truly look forward to exploring and 'living.' You were so right, everyone wins when divorce is looked at as a part of the soul's journey. Thank you for your support and guidance"
~ Ellen
"I never thought I would be one to say I am grateful for my divorce, but it is true. Many of us spend our entire life living someone else's vision of our life and fail to pay proper attention to our own soul. Working with Pamela was an eye-opening experience and I will always look back on my divorce as the beginning of living life authentically. Oh, the divorce was a breeze once I understood the bigger picture and how it was all connected. Who knew?
~ Barbara
"From the first session with Pamela my divorce took on an entirely new energy. The ability to speak with Pamela and to receive guidance each step of the way has been a God send!"
~ The grateful one
"I wasn't expecting my mother to join one of my sessions with Pamela, but knowing she was providing her support from beyond the veil gave me such comfort. She reminded me of our family's code of honor, and helped me to begin releasing the anger and blame I was carrying. The legal expertise I received from Pamela helped me navigate my divorce with "ease," as promised. The spiritual guidance, intuitive insights, and healing I received, were priceless. My husband and I are on a mission to be the best co-parents we can be, and I am looking forward to my future with no regrets and an barrel full of positive expectations."
~ Carol
"Mere words are insufficient to express my gratitude for your guidance and legal assistance over the past several months. You gave us the feeling that K**** and I were not just another set of mediation clients, but that you had a personal interest in finding relief for us in our present circumstances. Your empathy and understanding have meant a great deal to us. Digging deeper into the soul contract and higher purpose of the relationship helped resolve more than just our divorce, it helped us resolve deep seated wounds we each have traveled with throughout many lifetimes. You are a healer ..."
~ M.
"I wanted someone who was highly experienced in the area of divorce who could guide me strategically through the legal process. I also wanted someone with the intuitive skills to help me understand my divorce transition from a deeper / soul level. Someone who would help declutter my mind, help me to make the right decisions, and to do the necessary inner work that would transform me. Pamela took me from broken to healed in an expedited amount of time."
~ Grateful Soul Guided Client
Copyright © 2025 Pamela Pacetti, LLC- All Rights Reserved.
Visitors to this website are encouraged to obtain legal advice from an attorney in their jurisdiction with respect to their personal divorce matter. Although Pamela is an attorney (licensed in the State of Virginia only) , when she is working with clients as a coach, consultant or mediator, in any jurisdiction, she does not provide legal advice and does not represent clients as their attorney. Any content provided herein is for informational purposes only, and neither the act of sending an inquiry for divorce coaching, consulting or mediation services, nor the use of, and access to, this website, shall constitute an attorney-client relationship. This site is limited to individuals specifically looking for divorce coaching, consulting and /or mediation services with Pamela Pacetti and/or Pamela Pacetti, LLC; a California corporation. Pamela is not licensed to practice law in California.