With Pamela
The Right Support Will Make all the Difference on Your Divorce Journey.
You can choose to work with Pamela privately or in a group setting.
If you prefer to work privately with Pamela, there are several options available. Please reach out and Pamela will design the perfect package for you.
Pamela's Signature Program:
Join the path with fellow sisters who understand the journey, who are eager to support you, and who honor the spirit, confidentiality and sacredness of holding space in a curated sisterhood.
In The Awakened Divorce - The Way of the Divine Feminine™, we will walk through seven sacred doorways. The following list is meant to give you a taste of what you will experience:
Doorway One: Learn Legal Basics and Insider Information - A Priceless Advantage for Understanding and Strategy Formation
Doorway Two: Reunite with the Light of Your Soul - Your Secret Weapon
Doorway Three: Discover the Hidden Jewels of Divorce for True Elevated Healing
Doorway Four: Understand the Role of Grief and the Power of Forgiveness in Divorce
Doorway Five: Bring Your Soul-Aligned Future into Focus
Doorway Six: Prepare Yourself and the Field for Empowered and Aligned Negotiations
Doorway Seven: Begin Co-creating the Abundantly Full Life of the Post-Divorce Divine Feminine
This is for you if you want to:
Copyright © 2025 Pamela Pacetti, LLC- All Rights Reserved.
Visitors to this website are encouraged to obtain legal advice from an attorney in their jurisdiction with respect to their personal divorce matter. Although Pamela is an attorney (licensed in the State of Virginia only) , when she is working with clients as a coach, consultant or mediator, in any jurisdiction, she does not provide legal advice and does not represent clients as their attorney. Any content provided herein is for informational purposes only, and neither the act of sending an inquiry for divorce coaching, consulting or mediation services, nor the use of, and access to, this website, shall constitute an attorney-client relationship. This site is limited to individuals specifically looking for divorce coaching, consulting and /or mediation services with Pamela Pacetti and/or Pamela Pacetti, LLC; a California corporation. Pamela is not licensed to practice law in California.