If you are facing divorce, or you are already going through the process, you do not have to navigate this life altering journey alone.
As an intuitive divorce attorney, mediator and coach for over twenty-five years, I know how difficult the process can be on both men and women. However, society seems to place an unrealistic yardstick of expectations on men that do not exist for their female counterparts.
Men are expected to work with their divorce attorney showing little to no emotions - keep a stiff upper lip - lower their expectations - move forward without any contemplation or understanding of how the marriage came to a place of dissolution, and, in many cases, reduce their desire for more parenting time with their children.
The law is only one aspect of divorce. Lawyers rarely spend enough time educating clients on the law, specifically how the law may work for them or against them. Many engage in strategy sessions, however, these strategy sessions usually take place in the mind of the lawyer as he or she contemplates the case based upon past experiences with former clients. Little time, if any, is spent creating a strategy with the full participation and understanding of the client.
In addition to understanding the law, the legal process of divorce is a process that takes time, energy, attention and intention. What to do and when, what to gather, what to say and when, what to expect, how to effectively communicate, how to co-parent your children, how to best answer discovery requests, how to draft a divorce narrative, etc., are in large part, foreign issues to most clients facing divorce. I will help you get through each step of the process with ease.
The mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of divorce are pushed aside in most cases, which is counterintuitive to the healing process.
An enlightened and awakened divorce requires a shift in perspective - a desire to come face-to-face with the deepest part of your being in order to remember who you really are - why you are here - what was the higher intention and soul contract with you spouse - what were the lessons to be learned and was the intended learning accomplished?
It is only when we have full understanding of the relationship from a higher perspective that we can go through the process from a place of integrity and internal truth as opposed to simply fulfilling the expectations of others.
Your divorce is personal and should be treated as the sacred journey it is. Experiencing true liberation and movement forward to the life your soul intends while the divorce is in process, is the best gift you can give yourself. A divorce settlement that serves the highest good for all involved can be achieved without pressure, animosity, recrimination or struggle when the proper intention is set and the highest interests of the family remain in focus.
Take the divine gifts from the relationship with you, leave behind the need to revisit what was, and live with curiosity and excitement about the future your soul is leading you discover.
A new perspective on you and your purpose, a refreshed and polished co-parenting arrangement and relationship if children are involved, experiencing true healing, and taking a quantum leap into a fulfilling and abundant future is all there waiting for you.
Your only commitment is to make yourself a priority, set your intention, give your focused attention, and allow both the feminine and masculine energies within you to guide you. Receiving the right support is, of course, a bonus.
If this speaks to you, I would be honored to walk the journey with you.
Reach out for a free consultation, and I will custom design a package that is tailored to you and your needs.
You've Got This!
Copyright © 2025 Pamela Pacetti, LLC- All Rights Reserved.
Visitors to this website are encouraged to obtain legal advice from an attorney in their jurisdiction with respect to their personal divorce matter. Although Pamela is an attorney (licensed in the State of Virginia only) , when she is working with clients as a coach, consultant or mediator, in any jurisdiction, she does not provide legal advice and does not represent clients as their attorney. Any content provided herein is for informational purposes only, and neither the act of sending an inquiry for divorce coaching, consulting or mediation services, nor the use of, and access to, this website, shall constitute an attorney-client relationship. This site is limited to individuals specifically looking for divorce coaching, consulting and /or mediation services with Pamela Pacetti and/or Pamela Pacetti, LLC; a California corporation. Pamela is not licensed to practice law in California.